I’m a major fan of British Youtubers. One of them is
Sprinkle of Glitter, Louise, who also writes pretty awesome blogs. Her most
recent one is on boys. An area in which, at the age of 22, I am still very
Despite having a few close guy friends and often being
considered as “one of the guys,” I honestly don’t get them still when it comes
to relationships. Some of them are the most amazing friends ever, but
they’re not so great to their girlfriends. Ginger and I believe that all guys
are (excuse the language in this blog) douchebags. It’s just a matter of what
level of douchebagginess they are. Now, don’t worry guys. We also believe it is
the same with girls and bitchiness. And...we can be just as confusing when it comes to relationships.
Now then, back to the content of Louise’s blog. One of the
questions her followers asked really struck out with me: I like one of my close guy friends, who I
think used to like me a while ago but I'm not sure if he still does. What
should I do? Personally, I know from experience that falling for a friend is a
really scary thing. You want more than the current friendship, yet you’re
afraid of the risks especially since things are already going…relatively well.
I’m definitely a part of the not-brave crew. I’m basically
such a wuss that I don’t even hint. I am extremely pro-“friendship to love”
because I think it works for me. But like I said, it can get scary when you’re
in the friend zone ESPECIALLY when competition and jealousy come into play. In
my case, I tense up (not good), I freeze (really not good), and I become emo (definitely not what Louise would condone). Basically, I allow myself to stay
in the friendzone. I got lucky once by getting out of it, but I had also been
stuck for a really long time with my first crush but that one doesn’t really
count since I think I wasn’t ready to date yet with that guy. I was just a kid!
Even now, I do the same thing. But I think I’ll just go with
the flow which surprisingly worked that one time. Anyways, I guess what I’m
getting at is: do what feels right to you. Don’t force anything, but don’t be
pushed around either. If it’s meant to work out it will, just have hope and
faith in yourself…and hope that boy you like is smart enough to like you back
and ask you out!
Wishing you all the
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